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 importance pour le succes

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Messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 16/08/2011
Age : 42
Localisation : wuhan

importance pour le succes Empty
MessageSujet: importance pour le succes   importance pour le succes Icon_minitimeMer 24 Aoû - 12:54

To be successful in this industry you have to be a leader and a friend. If you are a person who is impatient with others get out because then you will lose their friendship and they will drop out very fast. A leader is someone who listens to their client just like a true friend would.Lets look at things outside network marketing as well. If your friends paid attention to something else when you were around them or mistreated you, would you want to be around them? Of course not.Carte Mémoire pour PS2,playstation3,console wii,This business is no different. It is just like going back to school but we do it because we want to get ahead in life more than other people do. And there is an old saying if you are not having fun doing this business then you are not doing it right.
And we certainly will not be around someone whom we do not enjoy talking to.
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